
Case Studies - Talent Management Practices

Employee Satisfaction and Engagement

A Deciding Parameter For Successful Strategy Execution Organization/ Business : Indian Unit of an European MNC

An Indian unit of a largest multidisciplinary company in the field of marine survey, geotechnical investigations and geosciences services, wished to strengthen their workforce for the planned growth strategy implementation. The company desired to gauge the present level of employee engagement and satisfaction on various factors so that the necessary improvements can be introduced and organization's growth plans are wholeheartedly supported by its happy and highly engaged employees.

Business Challenge:

The major business challenge in this organization was retention of talented workforce which is not readily available in job market. It was realized that the major growth plan of the organization would suffer if the company loses its trained manpower or the manpower which is executing growth strategies is not wholeheartedly engaged in the company's mission and strategic plans.

Cerveausys Initiative for the Employee Engagement Assessment and Change Facilitation was implemented as follows:

  • The expert team studied vision, mission, values and broad business strategies of the organization.
  • Discussed with the senior team to understand the overall organization culture, business challenges opportunities and employee performance expectations
  • Identified the major drivers of employee engagement that have a potential to influence strategy execution, long term business results, employee performance and retention.
  • Based on the data obtained through the above steps, structured the survey around key employee engagement factors that would have high impact on the business results of the organization.
  • Facilitated the management in effectively communicating the strategic intent of the organization in conducting the planned initiative.
  • Addressed employee queries, questions and administered the survey after ensuring wholehearted participation of the employees.
  • Analyzed the results using appropriate statistical techniques and tools. Noted the inferences and salient aspects for improvements in organizational policies, processes, structures etc.
  • Presented the findings along with recommendations and plans for key initiatives that were needed to be implemented for enhancing the employee engagement and improve organizational efficiency.


  • The exercise helped in identifying the high impact employee engagement triggers so that resources were deployed on appropriate HR and other business initiatives which optimised cost of change.
  • Provided a frame of reference and guidelines for improving HR policies, processes to ensure business strategy execution.
  • The exercise sent a reassuring message to employees that the organization cares for them and is committed to take necessary steps to improve performance and comfort of employees.
  • A few key Hr processes that were impacting motivation and retention were identified for major revamp. The organisation implemented the suggestions and found substantial improvement in employee productivity and retention.
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Competency and Performance Based Career Planning

Organization/Business :

Our client is a reputed MNC Group with global presence and 125 years of glorious history in the business of energy optimization, environmental protection and food production through technological leadership in heat transfer, separation and fluid handling. The group employs more than 12000 employees across 100 countries. The Indian operations of the group have a turnover of Rs. 1500 Crores with over 1200 employees working at various locations in India.

Business Challenge:

  • Protecting organizational core competencies and competitive edge by reducing attrition of critical talent
  • Developing objective criteria and scientific yet humane methodology for taking career decisions in alignment with business strategy and employee aspirations.
  • Reducing chances of errors in promotions / career decisions thereby avoiding opportunity loss, employee demotivation, attrition and unhealthy impact on organizational culture.
  • Developing sufficient pool of internal talent which is not just technically proficient but also possesses the strategic and leadership competencies necessary for top managerial positions.
  • Avoiding clogging of leadership pipe line that may result in creating impediment to company's future expansion plans and attrition at middle levels.
  • Building a globally adaptable model which addresses the challenges of Indian operations yet is scalable and suitable to address all the above issues of global operations spread in around 100 countries.

CerveauSys Initiative

  • Conducted an organizational Diagnosis by meeting key stakeholders (local/global), analysing vision, mission, values, organizational strategies, organization structure, key business challenges, critical competencies for future growth and relevant HR processes.
  • Identified critical roles in the organization, nature of their contribution to business and formulated detailed job descriptions.
  • Segregated these roles in to various job families and defined key competencies required to excel in such roles from the current and futuristic strategy aligned parameters.
  • Prepared an inventory of total roles along with key criteria (Qualification, organizational career history, technical/functional skills and leadership competencies) for selection, promotion or lateral movement in such roles.
  • Established a model of logical vertical and horizontal career paths for each of these roles while focusing on nurturing organizational core competencies and creating internal leaders for future expansions.
  • Designed 4 Dimensional career planning model that is appropriately balanced to avoid the biases and concentration of career decision powers at single organizational point.
  • Deployed the model on a group of 40 key senior managers by evaluating them (using various methods including psychometric assessments) on the scientifically designed criteria for their suitability for the proposed most logical vertical and lateral future career roles.
  • Prepared detailed assessment report (containing assessment scores, competency feedback, professional development recommendations, possibilities and tentative duration required for moving in propose career roles) for each of the assessed employee.
  • Prepared detailed process manual containing overall philosophy underlying the career planning process, guidelines for global adaptation, model presentation ppts, process flow charts and relevant formats.
  • Conducted process training meetings/group sessions to coach key internal stakeholders (HR and Top Executives) on the proper implementation of career planning model at local and global locations.


  • The organization could retain critical talent by sharing clear career paths and developmental feedback through a transparent and scientific process.
  • The organization could identify internal leaders that are ready for next level roles at local and global locations and deployed them on new projects/ expansion plans.
  • The organization could identify low potential employees and developed appropriate strategies to redeploy them based on recommendations in the report and other humane considerations.
  • The India unit received acknowledgement for pioneering a career planning model with a "think global act local" philosophy and model is taken forward for global deployment.
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