

Organizational Restructuring

Every organization’s success is dependent on its structure. From time to time, these structures need to be revaluated and sometimes, restructured, to keep up the smooth functioning of the organization. HR and OD Consultant helps you in identifying and understanding the requirements of organizational restructuring. It is a necessity for [...]

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Solutions to Curb Rising Attrition Rates

“A reduction in the number of employees through, resignation, retirement or death” is the definition of Attrition. Before going into depth of the solution, we need to understand the reason why this is rising. The main reasons behind rising attrition rates are:- Lack of interest in the work they are [...]

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Importance of Exit Interviews

‘Exit interview’, a word that evokes uncomfortable stares from managers and a quizzical look from departing employee, is actually an essential and very crucial HR practice. Unfortunately, many companies are unaware that such a practice exists! Enthusiastic HR professionals, who are gung ho about hiring, go on a back foot [...]

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