

How to Minimize Workplace Negativity?

It is often said, “Beautiful things happen to you, when you distance yourself from negativity.” But, distancing negativity is an easy way out, rather than dealing with it. Today, nothing affects employee productivity more severely than constant negativity at the workplace. It sucks the energy out of your employee, develops [...]

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Enliven Your Employee Appraisal Practices

‘I’m impressed by your ability to execute the tasks’- As pretty as the statement sounds, these powerful words infuse a sense of pride and belonging towards an organization. This seems to be a sincere effort to incorporate a robust appraisal practice in one’s management. Yes, the employee performance evaluation is [...]

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Retention of High Potential Employees

Employee Retention Employee retention concerns are emerging as the most critical workforce management challenges of the immediate future. Recent studies have shown that in the future, successful organizations will be those which acclimatize their organizational behavior to the realities of the current work environment where longevity and success depend upon [...]

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Team Work – Why is it so important?

It is proven through hundreds of research projects, that if we collaborate and pull together our individual strengths we can deliver great product/service consistently and efficiently. “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.” –Michael Jordan. Each of us brings our special talents, technical/functional expertise and unique style of managing [...]

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