Identifying and Retaining High Potential Employees for Defined Business Growth!
High performing employees are an integral part of a company. According to the CEB reports the high potential employees(HIPOs) contribute 91% more towards achieving the company’s goals than others. They are the business assets that every organization desires to retain for meeting their long-term growth plans. However, identifying, nurturing and retaining high potential employees is a challenging task that most firms need to confront.
Companies like Cerveausys, offering HR consultancy in Mumbai and HR consultancy in Pune are playing an important role in helping organizations to effectively manage their top performing employees. Their services have been successful in bringing strategic performance improvements in the organizations.
How to identify high potential performers?
Top performers are self-motivated and dynamic individuals who are always looking for opportunities where their skills and potentials are challenged. Organizations must carefully implement the performance management process to identify their HIPOs. Evaluation of potential employee’s performance, commitment, and capabilities can be done by integrating the performance appraisal plan with other well-drawn succession planning tools. It can help identify people who have the qualities to take the company to the next level.
Following are some of the qualities that are quintessentially found in company leaders and are often the parameters for gauging the productive employees:
- They are self-starters who are always motivated and meet all their work challenges in the most efficient manner.
- Strong communication skills and ability to collaborate effectively even in a highly stressful work environment sets them apart from others.
- A top performer exhibits skills and caliber that often exceeds the standards set by the company managers.
- Successful leaders don’t hesitate to take tough decisions for the company’s benefit and are always willing to learn from their mistakes.
- They are open to exploring new skill development opportunities as ways to enhance their skills and grow professionally.
- They understand business needs and accordingly streamline their abilities and talent for optimum results.
- Nurturing professional relationships is an added quality that gives them an edge over others.
How to retain top performers?
Several organizations invest in the identification of high potentials but fail to pay attention to the development of high potential individuals. It is crucial to note that individuals identified as having high potential are actually not fully-fledged leaders, they need proper developing and nurturing to become adept for senior roles.
There are a few golden rules to strengthen the company’s retention policy for high performing employees:
- Keep challenging their skills and push them to their optimum limits. Build confidence in them by allowing them to take initiatives, make tough decisions and grow with every experience.
- Offer them potential growth opportunities and help them rise up in their career path. Create training programs that can help them enhance their skills to take on new responsibilities and challenges with utmost efficiency.
- Acknowledge good work. Managers and HR should focus on creating a work culture where motivation, reward, and recognition are a part of the company’s policy. This can work as a catalyst encouraging the employees to work towards better productivity.
HIPO’s can bring the greatest value to your business and hence, mentoring, coaching and training them should be the key objective of every progressive firm. Sound HR consultancy services can be instrumental in turning your employees into your progressing channels for the company. Cerveausys is an HR consultancy in Pune that is continuously guiding firms to optimize their workforce capabilities, leading to best results.