
Enliven Your Employee Appraisal Practices

‘I’m impressed by your ability to execute the tasks’- As pretty as the statement sounds, these powerful words infuse a sense of pride and belonging towards an organization. This seems to be a sincere effort to incorporate a robust appraisal practice in one’s management. Yes, the employee performance evaluation is [...]

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Retention of High Potential Employees

Employee Retention Employee retention concerns are emerging as the most critical workforce management challenges of the immediate future. Recent studies have shown that in the future, successful organizations will be those which acclimatize their organizational behavior to the realities of the current work environment where longevity and success depend upon [...]

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The Right HR Department Adds Value

Human Resource is considered to be the one of the most expensive departments to be incorporated in an organization. HR professionals are well acquainted with the value that HR can add. However, sometimes high-level executives still may not be aware of the same. There still exist misconceptions that HR does [...]

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Developing an Effective Retention Policy

For most organizations, investment in employee development is considered to be a strategic imperative. However, like any other investment, it is not risk-free. So, how can one assuage the risk without taking the short-sighted perspective of looking at people as commodities? You can develop your employees in a number of [...]

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Building your HR Function

“Great vision without great HR function is irrelevant.” This statement signifies the importance of building your HR function. The main role of Human Resource is to support an organization’s success. Conventionally, HR’s purpose was to focus on determining the work done by employees and to screen out the “undesirables” during [...]

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Modern HR Trends

The Human Resource Development is one of the most crucial areas in business management. It is aptly called as the backbone of an organization because it ensures creation of competent and highly motivated human capital, without which it’s impossible to run a business. The role of HR has been transformed [...]

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