
Organization Development Consulting

Organizational Diagnosis and Solution Mapping

Organizational Diagnosis is an exercise in which through our proven time tested models, we analyze various organizational factors that influence long term success of your company. This exercise enables identifying gaps between current and desired organizational performance and provides insight into the change required in various organizational factors to bridge these gaps and achieve organizational goals.

Action Research and Appreciative Inquiry Initiatives

Our experts use these OD techniques to facilitate progressive well-structured problem solving activities / exercises / workshops / group work for improving overall organizational effectiveness. We also implement appreciative inquiry initiatives that leverage strengths, potential, people motivations and talents in the organization to get desired business results rather than focusing on issues / problems.

Organizational Design / Restructuring / Manpower Rationalization using MOST Technique

Organizational design and structure is a critical factor that determines organizational agility and competitive performance. We provide our expertise to design agility focused organization structures and help rationalizing / optimizing the manpower to enhance productivity of the organization. We use work measurement techniques such as MOST (Maynard Operation Sequence Technique) for manpower rationalization / optimization.

Organizational Climate/Culture Assessment and Improvement Initiatives

Management Guru, Peter Drucker had once said, “Culture Eats Strategy At Breakfast”. Though sounds funny, this sentence has a profound meaning. It asserts that organizational culture must be aligned with organization strategy to enable successful strategy execution or the strategy remains only on paper. We conduct organizational climate and culture assessments, design initiatives for strategy-culture alignment and facilitate implementation of the organization culture transformation initiatives.

Business Solution Centric Specific Organization Development Initiatives

This unique consulting facilitation starts with a detailed organizational diagnostics based on well researched methods and models. Our team of Business Analysts and HR Management Experts analyze the data gathered through the diagnostics and propose specific initiatives in the areas of organizational development, change management or strategic HR to name a few. Our team provides handholding and facilitation support throughout the implementation of such strategic initiatives.

Customized Result Oriented OD Training Workshops

Our OD Training Workshops are a result of thorough organizational analysis that unearths organization-specific change themes. The change themes point out the specific changes that might be needed in organizational culture, structure, processes, competencies, and people’s mindsets to achieve the desired business outcome. We build our OD workshops integrating organization-specific change themes to help implement organizational change in a time-bound and sustainable manner. Hire the Best Leadership Development Training Consultants in Pune.